Strengths Coaching BANNER

Strengths-Based Development

Redefine your potential 


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We all have that golden personal potential sitting dormant within us. Without truly understanding yourself, you simply will not unleash your full potential. By helping you gain a genuine sense of self, we will boost your levels of belief and purpose.

Your Strengths will become your anchor; holding you fast regardless of the power of the storm that might threaten your safe progress. With a sound knowledge and appreciation of your strengths, you will be empowered and inspired to reach your peak performance. 

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You are the only version of you on this planet and a Strengths assessment will help you discover exactly why that is so. It is the ultimate tool. Armed with the extraordinary detail that this assessment will reveal, you will start to understand and appreciate what you do well and how your talents determine how you most naturally think, build relationships, execute tasks and influence those around you.

Strengths-based development is the ultimate process that will help you redefine the core of your self-understanding. It allows you to focus on your talents while helping you manage your weaknesses. It is only when you fully understand yourself that you can truly unlock the power of your potential and set ambitious, yet achievable, goals.

Individual strengths-based development can help you:

  • Gain clarity and confidence in what you do best
  • Focus and utilise your unique talents on the specific challenges of your role
  • Manage your blind spots to reduce under-performance in moments that count

For Teams

Strengths-based development is equally as powerful for teams as it allows each team member, and its leader, to better understand their unique pool of talents as well as be more aware of their blind spots and weaknesses. When a team has taken the time to develop this deeper understanding of each other and all be on the same wavelength, it sharply contributes to enhanced team cohesion, collaboration and productivity.

Importantly the team also benefits from having a common language and vocabulary that helps them better understand and relate and connect to each other. 

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When a leader, and his or her team, properly orchestrate their strengths to fit team objectives and challenges, they are certain to feel more motivated, self-confident and valued. Ultimately this team is highly likely to band together more strongly as a true crew and to perform to its overall potential.

Team strengths development can help a team:

  • Name and understand the dominant talents of everyone on the team
  • Understand the connection between each other's strengths and behaviour
  • Establish key partnerships that encourage strengths development
  • Use their knowledge of each other's strengths to plan, strategise, analyse and execute their actions

For Leaders

Great leaders have a deep understanding of their natural strengths and an equally deep understanding of their limitations. They know where they should focus their efforts to maximise their talents and understand the importance of surrounding themselves with others who have the talents they lack.

By openly and honestly acknowledging what they are and are not good at, leaders are far more likely to gain the trust and respect of their entire team. This in turn leads to a significantly greater chance of their team being motivated, engaged and ready to collaborate on day to day challenges - together.

Essentially though it starts with the leader having a deep and meaningful understanding of themself and the courage, humility and discipline to know when and how to involve others when required - and for the best effect.

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Leadership strengths-based development can help a leader to maximise the human potential of their team or organisation by learning how their talents help them:

  • Develop people
  • Communicate clearly
  • Lead change
  • Create accountability
  • Inspire others
  • Build more effective partnerships
  • Think critically

What others say about us

Cressida Mort
"Two years ago Helen introduced us to CliftonStrengths and the difference it has made to the 30 staff who have undertaken it has been profound. Teams within the school now work more collegially and there is a better and deeper understanding of what positive attributes we all bring to the workplace and how we can maximise them. It has made a profound difference to the operations of the School and we will be implementing it in all teams."
Cressida Mort
Director of Development and Marketing, The Armidale School
Karen Murphy
"Helen guided us through our CliftonStrengths assessment and reports, as part of our Advanced Coaching course for Bowls Australia. We learnt so much about ourselves under Helen's teaching and how to apply our strengths to our coaching. She is very easy to connect with and has a great way of assisting you to use your strengths to your advantage. I would love to work with Helen again and highly recommend her."
Karen Murphy
National Assistant Coach at Bowls Australia - World and Commonwealth Champion Lawn Bowls
“The interviewing was a bit more intense than I was expecting but the CliftonStrengths assessment and our coaching sessions were a huge help. I found it made it so much easier to develop a coherent story about who I am and what I have to offer. I think it made the difference in getting the role in the end. Thank you so much for your help, it made such an enormous difference in how I approached interviews and what I looked for in roles.”
Matthew Tobias
Human Resources Officer at Holmesglen
Emily Mobbs
"I engaged Helen as an executive coach because I was approaching a career crossroad. Helen has an abundance of warmth and it was remarkably easy to open up to her. It didn't take long to realise that Helen's innate ability to both listen and ask skilful questions was exactly what I needed to find clarity and to be completely prepared for the decisions I needed to make. Helen also spent a great deal of time focusing on my strengths, which was one of the main reasons I succeeded in a difficult job interview. I can't thank Helen enough for her support and guidance"
Emily Mobbs
Master of Speech Pathology Graduate, former Editor Jeweller Magazine